Previous records
This file gives the yearly totals for all current BBRC species and for those removed as a BBRC species after 1982.
Statistics are given for each year from 1950 to 2018, and the total number seen before 1950.
Covers the period 1950-2018
Historical rare birds
A website that is maintained to share knowledge about historical rare bird records prior to 1950.
The material was brought to together in 1996 when the author, K. A. Naylor published, A Reference Manual of Rare Birds in Great Britain and Ireland, and the records therein were adopted by the British Birds Rarities Committee (BBRC) in British Birds 97: 560.
As time passed by the book became outdated, and production of a second book was not possible for a number of reasons. A website was considered the best alternative.
The site is maintained by Keith Naylor.